eXtreme Development


  • Ideas and criterias: sociocultural vs scientific perspectives


    Currently, we have two different paths to validate a concept/idea/argument:

    • sociocultural criteria
    • scientific criteria

    Sociocultural criteria is the old, classic argument, concept, idea validation:
    Usually based on human values and the zeitgeist of the moment, like a fashion thing.
    Historically, this is the most used approach to validate an argument, concept, idea.
    For example, religion is spread based on values such as the idea of morality or spiritual growth both sociocultural values.
    Someone proposes one idea and based on its sociocultural values, people follow it.

    Scientific criteria is kinda new/recent in human history as an argument, concept, idea validation:
    Science is a human trial to reverse engineer nature and its inner interactions.
    Every new discover tries to create a clear, stable cause-effect relation between the 'configured situation' and the variables attached to that 'configured situation'.
    Science is full of examples in our daily life...
    For example, when you are in a bank waiting line, you can apply the queue theory to calculate the number of required spots to handle a certain number of people under 5 minutes.

    To summarise, sociocultural aspects seems to be more related to human aspects that are not scientifically quantifiable.
    Science is the opposite, usually applied to the quantifiable matter.
    The problem lies when we try to apply science on human aspects and sociocultural values on situations where science fits better.
    I mean, sociocultural aspects should be away from science as science should be away from sociocultural aspects.

    None, but certainly someone else already wrote about...


Geraldo Netto
 "name": "Geraldo Netto" 
 "contacts": [
 "sponsor me": [
 "food": [
 "folk": [
 "mindset": [
   "Control Theory"
 "praying": [
   "Umbanda Branca"
 "music": [
   "Cafe Del Mar"
   "Fito Paez"
   "Jennifer Rostock"
   "Mafalda Veiga"
   "The Cure"
   "Tom Jobim"
 "arts": [
 "tech": [
   "distributed systems"