eXtreme Development


  • Configuring the gamepad Zhixu on Linux Mint


    BTW, these steps might also work for most gamepads on Linux regardless the distribution you are using.

    1. Install the jstest-gtk and qjoypad (they are used to configure the gamepad)
      netto@bella:~$ sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk qjoypad
      Reading package lists... Done
      Building dependency tree

    2. Add user permission to the input and plugdev groups (netto is my user name)
      netto@bella:~$ sudo usermod -a -G input,plugdev netto

    3. Edit the file 99-input.rules (it's a configuration that dynamically adds read/write permissions to the gamepad buttons)
      netto@bella:~$ sudo {your prefered text editor here} /etc/udev/rules.d/99-input.rules

      Add the following line to all linux kernel catch gamepad events
      KERNEL=="event*", NAME="input/%k", MODE="660", GROUP="input"

    4. Enjoy your games!!!

    My gamepad
    Gamepad Zhixu

    My gamepad in action
    Gamepad Zhixu in action


Geraldo Netto
 "name": "Geraldo Netto" 
 "contacts": [
 "sponsor me": [
 "food": [
 "folk": [
 "mindset": [
   "Control Theory"
 "praying": [
   "Umbanda Branca"
 "music": [
   "Cafe Del Mar"
   "Fito Paez"
   "Jennifer Rostock"
   "Mafalda Veiga"
   "The Cure"
   "Tom Jobim"
 "arts": [
 "tech": [
   "distributed systems"